Thursday, November 11, 2010

The power of a win vs the strength of a loss

  Most people have heard that old cliche "When purchasing a car make sure to go on a rainy day towards the end of the month". Over the years people have realized car dealers have certain monthly quotas they need to hit and with new inventory coming in on the 1st it only makes sense to go at the end of the month. Not to many people like driving in bad conditions so once again it makes sense to be the only customer in that dealership if you want the best deal since the dealer "needs you more then you need them". When thinking about it almost seems common sense, you want to "buy when the demand is low and when the dealer NEEDS to make the sale."
  Well folks the same is true when it comes to seeing your favorite sports team play, yet for some reason most people still fail to understand this. Fans seem to forget while the "asking price" is set by the ticket agency the actual "selling price" is set by the consumer. Just like the worst thing to do when purchasing a convertible is to wait until mid June on a 85 degree clear and sunny day, the biggest mistake you can make in purchasing tickets to your favorite team is waiting until they are the hottest team in the league.
 Tickets for the Boston Bruins have been increasing in price every week. The hotter the team gets, the more likely they are to have a chance of "winning it all" the more in demand the tickets are and the less inventory any given broker would have. Its amazing how many people decided to purchase Bruins tickets after the B's blew out the Penguins 7-5 in Pittsburgh on Wednesday night. Our agency literally sold 20 times the amount of seats the day after that win then ANY other day. What kind of "deal" do you think you can get on tickets when all you're getting is a busy signal trying to call us.
 Ironically the same exact thing happened with the Celtics today and now after the Miami win tonight will obviously happen tomorrow. When there's a huge "rivalry" match up that night, all the local tv stations and sports talk radio stations hype up the event like there's no tomorrow. You would think tonight's Celtics vs Miami game was game 7 of the NBA Finals the way these guys talk. Can you imagine how many people all of a sudden will realize tomorrow morning "Hey the Celtics are a lot of fun to watch, lets go" If following us on twitter or facebook has shown you anything, its that more people flood our pages during a winning streak or a huge match up then at any other time. So if you're taking the time to read this and do decide to purchase tickets from us online at please do so AFTER a loss. Even better wait till 2 or 3 losses in a row, then just like a rainy day at the end of the month, call our office and get the "best" deal.

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