Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why I am glad the Tampa Bay Rays lost

As a fan of the Red Sox its hard for me to care who was going to face the NY Yankees in the ALCS but I am glad the Tampa Bay Rays lost. To me that team stands for everything I hate about baseball. The ungrateful fans who cant even sell out a playoff game and when they do, and actually attend a make or brake game 5 of the PLAYOFFS you see them leave in the 8th inning because their team is down 5-1. Are you kidding me?? You guys are in a rush to leave early for what??? Your baseball season is OVER you cant give your team that fought hard all year for you the respect of staying 15 more minutes? Seriously it makes me sick and from the comments of a few Rays players past week I am not alone. Think about it fans, when a players contract is up why in the world would he want to stay in Tampa and play for such ungrateful fans that never even show up? Your team was a basement bargain joke of the MLB for years and now that you have a winner you STILL don't care?
This bring me to the other point of why I can't stand the Rays. What makes the Rays so good is their "Young Guns". The kids they brought up from their "Amazing" farm system over the past 5 years. Well have you ever asked what makes their farm system so amazing? Its pretty freakin simple. The Rays lost, they lost BIG, every year, over and over and over. They never spent a single penny on any free agents so they could purposely have awful seasons and have the first few picks of the draft year after year after year. WOW how brilliant I wish I had a guinness beer! The owners decide they don't want to spend ANY money on a team so they devise a plan to not even show up year after year and stock pile draft picks. In 5 years they finish last or close to last in the standing and have first dibs at the all star caliber talent from the draft. And when those players become all stars you have a winning team full of players making the league minimum $300,000-$500,000 instead of the $10 million they are worth. When the team controlled time for them is up you let them go and suck again for the next 10 years and stock up new draft picks. Can you imagine what sports would be like if every team did this? Can you imagine the Lakers tanking every year for 5 years so they could sign Dwayne Wade, Lebron AND Kobe? The Rays are a joke and as much as I hate the fact their fans don't show up and then walk out on them, a part of me agrees with them! This team does not deserve to be in the Major League Baseball organization, it makes me sick!

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